Cymbidium aloifolium

 ऑर्किड का पौधा 

Common Name -: ऑर्किड or Aloe-leafed cymbidium

Botanical Name -: Cymbidium aloifolium

Kingdom -: Plantae

Order -: Asparagales

Family -: Orchidaceae

Other Common Names -: Aloe-leafed cymbidium, Cymbidium intermedium, Cymbidium erectum, Epidendrum pendulam.

Common Information -: Commonly found in North-East India and the Andaman, Aloe Leaf Cymbidium is an orchid growing on trees or rocks. It has very thick, rigid leaves, which remind one of Aloe. The species name aloifolium means Aloe-leafed. Plant blooms on a 75 cm pendant inflorescence with up to 75 flowers. Flowers are 4.25 cm wide with red stripes on petals and sepals. The flowers can be easily confused with Cymbidium dayanum but differs by having a rounded lip edge and an hourglass shape in the center of the lip.

 Flowering -: March-May.

Uses -: In Thailand juice expressed from heated leaves is dropped into the ear to treat otitis media. In Vietnam the plant is used to treat colds and irregular menses, and as a tonic, whereas crushed leaves are applied externally to treat arthritis, sores and burns.

Creator - Sourabh Kushwah ( B.Sc. 3rd Year )
